So excited and honored that two out of my three entries at the 24th Annual Crooked Creek Art League won awards!

This is one of the largest art shows in the midlands each year with 128 pieces of artwork and 58 artists this year. I'm in good company: the competition was steep with a wealth of really beautiful artworks this year.
The Invitation Postcard is extra exciting because it means that this piece of art will be front and center on the CCAL invitational materials for next year's show!
Abstract 101 was a big surprise. Abstracts are a big departure from my normal style but a dear friend convinced me to give them a try. Don't worry - I'm not planning to give up my normal style (I still love making them).
Both pieces are currently available. Let me know if you're interested.
All the winning artwork will be on display at Crooked Creek Park until April 15. There are some truly wonderful pieces this year!