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'Tis the (Show) Season

“Art is too important not to share.”

~ Romero Britto

Original Oil Painting "The Suitors" by Barbara Teusink
"The Suitors"

Each year, the 'art scene' goes somewhat dormant during the summer months. The art leagues all take a break, there are fewer workshops and virtually no shows. Then - BAM - in September it always seems there are TONS of shows and activities. This year is no exception. My art will be part of several shows in the coming weeks. The first is already underway. The Fairfield County Arts Council currently has a show on exhibit. It is themed "Birds" and will be on display through September. I entered the piece above, "The Suitors" and am happy to report that it received a Merit Award. It is a very diverse show with many styles and mediums. I don't envy the juror who had to pick the winners from all the great pieces entered. You can see the show in person at the Heirloom Fine Art Gallery in Winnsboro, SC.

Next up is the Union County Arts Exhibition. There are always a lot of great pieces entered in this annual juried show. I have two pieces accepted into the show: "Sailing (Take Me Away)" and "Deep Red". I am so excited to share that I learned “Deep Red” received the Mrs WJ Whitener Award at the reception Thursday evening. You can visit this show at the USC-Union Main Building in Union, SC until October 21.

(Click any image to view larger)

Two of my pieces have also been accepted for competition in this year's South Carolina State Fair. The winners will be announced October 9th and the artwork will all be on display at the State Fairgrounds Oct 12-23. Wish me luck!

(Click any image to view larger)

You can always see the list of current and upcoming shows and exhibitions on my website. Go by and see my artwork in person at any of the exhibit locations if you get a chance.


That’s it for now. I've got two wonderful commissions I'm currently working on and a couple more ideas for paintings in the queue. Time to get painting!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my posts. Apparently Wednesday was World Gratitude Day. Know what I’m grateful for? YOU!! I appreciate your continued support of my art journey!

Until next time,



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